

  职  称:教授、主任医师



















  英国皇家热带医学会(Royal Society of Tropical Medicine of Hygiene)海外会员(1999)












  1. 高志良。肠道微生态失衡与内源性感染发生发展的研究(课题编号:2007CB513006),“973计划”分题,197万,2008-2011.

  2. 高志良, 彭晓谋等。广州地区HBeAg阴性慢性乙型肝炎的流行病学研究(课题编号: 2007-ZDa-02),广州市医药卫生科技项目,50万,2008-2011。

  3. 高志良。丙型病毒性肝炎的临床转归及难治性丙型病毒性肝炎机制和治疗方案优化的研究(课题编号:2008ZX10002-013),“十一五”国家科技重大专项,150万,2008-2012。

  4. 高志良。自体骨髓干细胞等新方法治疗乙肝肝衰竭的临床研究(课题编号:2008ZX10002005-005),“十一五”国家科技重大专项,279万,2008-2012。

  5. 高志良。乙肝肝衰竭不同时相免疫动态变化规律的研究(课题编号:2008ZX10002007-007),“十一五”国家科技重大专项,276万,2008-2012。

  6. 高志良。转IL-17Ra基因羊水干细胞对慢性重型乙型肝炎治疗的基础研究(课题编号:30971356),国家自然科学基金,31万,2010.1-2012.12。

  7. 高志良。乙型病毒性肝炎的时相分层治疗方案优化研究(编号:2012ZX10002004-002),“十二五”国家科技重大专项,235万,2012-2015。

  8. 高志良。乙型肝炎重症化转归预警预测(编号:2012ZX10002007-002-008),“十二五”国家科技重大专项,189万,2012-2015。

  9. 高志良。十一五丙肝研究队列的延续观察(编号:2012ZX10002003-004-005),“十二五”国家科技重大专项,87万,2012-2015。

  10. 高志良。十一五乙肝研究队列的延续观察(编号:2012ZX10002003-005-011)“十二五”国家科技重大专项,19万,2012-2015。

  论  著:1.Qiang Zhao, Liang Peng, Weijun Huang, Qibin Li, Yuanyuan Pei, Ping Yuan, Lingyan Zheng, Yongling Zhang, Jia Deng, Cheng Zhong, Bin Hu, Hongke Ding, Wei Fang, Ru Li, Qijun Liao, Chaoshuang Lin, Weiping Deng, Huijun Yan, Jinghui Hou, Qiuliang Wu, Tingting Xu, Jinsong Liu, Longbo Hu, Tao Peng, Suqing Chen, Kar N. Lai, Man-Fung Yuen, Yue Wang, Mala K. Maini, Caixia Li, Miaoxin Li, Jian Wang, Xiuqing Zhang, Pak-Chung Sham, Jun Wang*, Zhi-Liang Gao*, and Yiming Wang*. Rare Inborn Errors Associated With Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Hepatology, 2012, 56(5): 1661-1669.(IF=11.885)

  2.Liang Peng, Dong-ying Xie, Bing-Liang Lin, Jing Liu, Hai-peng Zhu, Chan Xie, Yu-bao Zheng and Zhiliang Gao*. Autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in liver failure patients caused by hepatitis B: short-term and long-term outcomes. Hepatology, 2011,54(3): 820-828. (IF=11.885)

  3.Pei-pei Wang, Dong-ying Xie, Xu-Jing Liang, Liang Peng, Geng-lin Zhang, Yi-nong Ye, Chan Xie*, Zhi-liang Gao*. HGF and Direct Mesenchymal Stem Cells Contact Synergize to Inhibit Hepatic Stellate Cells Activation through TLR4/NF-kB Pathway. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(8): e43408. (IF=4.092)

  4.Yu-Bao Zheng,Xiao-Hong Zhang, Zhan-Lian Huang, Chao-Shuang Lin, Jing Lai, Yu-Rong Gu, Bin-Liang Lin, Dong-Ying Xie, Shi-Bin Xie, Liang Peng, Zhi-Liang Gao*. Amniotic-Fluid–Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Improve Fulminant Hepatic Failure. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(7): e 41392. (IF=4.092)

  5.Chan Xie, Li-bing Song, Jue-heng Wu, Jun Li, Jing-ping Yun, Jia-ming Lai, Dong-ying Xie, Bingliang Lin, Yun-fei Yuan, Mengfeng Li, Zhi-liang Gao*.Upregulator of Cell Proliferation Predicts Poor Prognosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Contributes to Hepatocarcinogenesis by Downregulating FOXO3a. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(7): e40607. (IF=4.092)

  6.Wei Zhang, Yurong Gu, Youming Chen, Hong Deng, Lubiao Chen, Sui Chen, Genglin Zhang and Zhi-liang Gao*. Intestinal flora imbalance results in altered bacterial translocation and liver function in rats with experimental cirrhosis. European Jourmal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2010. 22 (12): 1481-1486. (IF = 1.662)

  7.Chaoshuang Lin, Jing Liu, Zhi-Xin Zhao, Shi-Bin Xie, Yu-Tian Chong*,and Zhi-liang Gao*. Effect of revaccination using different schemes among adults with low or undetectable anti-HBs titers after hepatitis B viru vaccination. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. 2010. 17(10):1548-1551. (IF = 2.373)

  8.Jun-qiang Xie, Xiao-yan Guo, Xiao-hong Zhang, Bing-liang Lin, Dong-ying Xie, Zhi-liang Gao, Gen-shu, and Zhi-xin Zhao*. Relationship between the genetic variation in interleukin 28B and response to antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Chin Med J. 2012;125(13):2334-2338 (IF=0.86)

  9.Chan Xie, Shi-Bin Xie, Dong-Ying Xie, Liang Peng, Shao-quan Zhang, Jun-Qiang Xie, Zhi-Liang Gao*. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells has poor proliferation but non-tumorigenicity in cancer envirment. Labmedicine, 2010, 41(9), 551-556. (IF = 0.309)

  10.Chan Xie, Yu-bao Zheng, Haipeng Zhu, Liang Peng, Zhi-liang Gao *. Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells are resistant to HBV infection during differentiation into hepatocytes in vivo and in vitro. Cell Biology International. 2009;33(4):493-500. (IF = 1.619)

  11.Yu-Bao Zheng, Zhi-Liang Gao*,Chan Xie, Hai-peng Zhu, Liang Peng, Jun-hong Chen, Yu-tian Chong. Characterization and hepatogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from human amniotic fluid and human bone marrow: a comparative study. Cell Biology International. 2008; 32(11):1439-48. (IF = 1.619)

  12.Liang Peng, Hai-peng Zhu, Yu-bao Zheng, Chan Xie, Yu-tian Chong and Zhi-liang Gao*. Mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells under different induction systems in hepatitis B patients with liver failure. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(5): 840-847. (IF = 0.573)

  13.Wei-Min Ke, Shi-bin Xie, Xue-Jun Li, Shao-Quan Zhang, Jing Lai, Yi-Nong Ye, Zhi-Liang Gao, Pei-Jia Chen. There were no differences on serum HBV DNA level between HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B with same liver histological necroinflammation grade but differences among gr 1, 2, 3 and 4 apportioned by the same hepatic parenchyma cells volume. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 2011,18,637-645(IF=3.502)

  14.Liang Peng, Jing Liu, Zhi-liang Gao, Zhi-xin Zhao and Chao-shuang Lin*, Inoculation effects of recombinant yeast hepatitis B vaccine used in neonates. Scientific Research and Essays, 2011, 6(3): 658-662. (IF=0.445)

  专  著:1. 副主编。五年制统编教材《传染病学》 人民卫生出版社 第七版 2008

  2. 主编 五年制统编教材《传染病学》第七版配套教材及光盘 人民卫生出版社 2008

  3. 副主编 医师文库 《传染病学》第五版 上海科学技术出版社 2011.5

  4. 副主编 国家级继续医学教育项目教材 感染与化疗研究进展 人民军医出版社 2011.9

  5. 主编 《肝问路在何方》科普读物 广东科技出版社 2008

  6. 参编。高等医学院校英语教材《INFECTIOUS DISEASE》人民卫生出版社,2006

  7. 参编。全国高等学校临床药学专业规划教材《内科学》人民卫生出版社,2006

  8. 参编。全国高等学校教材.供临床药学专业用《内科学基础》 人民卫生出版社,2007.8, 第一版. (卫生部“十一五”规划教材 全国高等医药教材建设研究会规划教材) 2007

  9.参编 《感染病学》全国专科医师培训规划教材 人民卫生出版社 2009,2

  10. 参编 国家职业医师、护士“三基”训练丛书 《临床医学分册》 人民军医出版社 2009

  11.参编 高级卫生专业技术资格考试指导用书 《传染病学高级教程》 人民军医出版社 2011.4(含光盘)