

  职  称:副教授、副主任医生





  获奖情况:主持国家自然科学基金一项,承担及参与国家、省部级基金项目共 8 项, 2003 年与 2009 年度分别获中山三院“优质服务质量医师奖”

  论  著:① . Nerve growth factor-mediated paracrine regulation of hepatic stellate cells by multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells. Life Sci, 2009, 85(7-8): 291-295 ( IF2.58 )

  ② . Hedgehog mediated paracrine interaction between hepatic stellate cells and marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. BBRC, 2008, 372(1): 260-265. ( IF2.74 )

  ③ . Differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells into hepatocyte-like cells in an alginate scaffold. Cell proliferation 2010,43:427-34. ( IF2.97 )

  ④ . Deficient proliferation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in patients with chronic hepatitis B viral infections and cirrhosis of the liver. Dig Dis Sci, 2010,55(2): 438-45. ( IF 1.65)

  ⑤ . Splenectomy with endoscopic variceal ligation is superior to splecentomy with pericardial devascularization in treatment of portal hypertension. World journal of gastroenterology 2006,12(45): 7375-7379 ( IF2.52 )

  专  著:① . 门静脉高压症现代治疗 . 第一版,广东省科技出版社 . 副主编

  ② . 肝胆胰脾疾病的微创介入治疗 . 第一版,广东人民出版社 . 编委